We’re drawing to the end of a season over at Get Messy. It’s been my first on the creative team, and such an immensely fun challenge.
The prompts had us thinking about what makes us happy, how we express and experience happiness, and how happiness fits in amongst the spectrum of our other emotions.
I found myself using a lot of pink and yellow – they are most definitely my happy colours. And loads of flowers, to the surprise of no one.
I started the season in a new journal, and made a few pages in it:
… but I found that the paper in that journal wasn’t responding very well to wetter media. I have been having a lot of fun experimenting with watercolour lately (so good for emotional, expressive art) and the journal was really cramping my style and frustrating me.
Rather than pushing through, I decided to set that journal aside, and start working on watercolour paper. I used reasonably large sheets, and folded them in half with the intention of binding them together into a mini journal at the end of the season. And that’s just what I did.
I really love some of the individual pages that I produced this season, but more than that, I love the way they come together to tell a story of my own brand of happiness.
Some of my other favourite things from the community this season were:
- This floral explosion from @drawingboardau
- The colour palette that @katiebug92 has going on here
- @foxandhazel’s glorious whimsy in this page
- The colours, shapes, and layering that @elizabethev used in this page
- The painterly perfection of @gretchenhope’s flowers
- @_havenwood’s skill in combining unlikely colours, as well as using bold brushstrokes with fine detail
- @imapapernerd’s kraft-based gorgeousness
What an awesome season.
I can’t wait til the next one – it’s going to be announced on the 31st of March, with the first prompts being released on the 4th of April.
To stay up to date with the official community, go to the website.